The Right Form of Verbs and Its Rules

-Right Form of Verbs বলতে কি বুঝায়?

Right Form of verbs: কোন sentence-এর verb বা verb গুলোর সঠিক রুপ (form) কি হবে, তা যে রুলস (rules) বা নিয়মের মাধ্যমে জানা যায়, সে নিয়মগুলোকেই সাধারণভাবে right form of verbs বলে।

-Why is the Right Form of Verbs important?

Right Form of Verbs সঠিকভাবে ইংরেজি বাক্য লিখা ও বলার জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। এতদ্ব্যতীত, আমাদের স্কুল কলেজের ইংরেজি পরীক্ষায় কোন বাক্যের একটি verb-কে bracket-এর মধ্যে রেখে verb-টির সঠিক রুপ কি হবে, তা bracket উঠিয়ে দিয়ে verb–এর সঠিক রুপসহ পূর্ণ বাক্য লিখতে বলা হয়। এ কারনেই বাক্যে verb-এর সঠিক ব্যবহারের নিয়মগুলি জানা খুবই জরুরী। এরই আলোকে নিম্নে Right Form of Verbs বিষয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ন কয়েকটি রুলস, যা সাধারনত: পরীক্ষায় আসে, তা নিয়ে আলোচনা করা হলো। উল্লেখ্য, Right Form of Verbs-কে ভালভাবে জানার জন্য verb সম্পর্কিত (verb related) প্রায় সকল grammatical rules গুলি জানতে হয়।

Rule one:

কোন sentence-এর subject যে number ও person-এ হবে, সেই sentence-এর verb-ও ঠিক সেই অনুযায়ী হবে। অর্থাৎ sentence-এর ‍subject-টি singular বা plural হলে verb-টিও person অনুযায়ী singular বা plural হবে।


  • He (be) reading. – He is reading.
  • They (Be) reading. – They are reading.

Note: Present indefinite tense-এর কোন sentence-এর subject যদি third person singular number হয়, তখন verb-এর সাথে ‘s / es’ যুক্ত করতে হয়।


  • He (go) to school every day. – He goes to school every day.
  • The boy (play) cricket on the field. – The boy plays cricket on the field.

Rule two:

চির সত্য (universal truth) কোন ঘটনা প্রকাশ করতে bracket-এর মধ্যকার verb-টি verb-এর এক নম্বর বা present indefinite tense -এ হবে।


  • The earth (revolve) around the sun. – The earth revolves around the sun.
  • The sun (rise) in the East and (set) in the West. – The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

Rule three:

একটি clause-এর কোন sentence-এ যদি today, daily, regularly, generally, occasionally, always, often, sometimes, every day, every time, now a days প্রভৃতি word / words-এর কোন একটি word/words ব্যবহৃত হয়, তবে bracket-এর মধ্যকার verb-টি verb-এর এক নম্বর বা present indefinite tense হবে।


  • He (take) the milk twice daily. – He takes the milk twice daily.
  • Today she (weigh) twenty one stone. – Today she weighs twenty one stone.
  • A good boy (prepare) his lesson regularly. – A good boy prepares his lessons regularly.
  • But no one (hit) accurately every time. – But no one hits accurately every time.
  • Speaking English is not that difficult, but sometimes it (seem) very difficult. – Learning English is not that difficult but sometimes it seems very difficult.

Note: অনেক সময় bracket-এর মধ্যে not+verb দেয়া থাকে। সে ক্ষেত্রে bracket-এর মধ্যকার verb-টিকে না-বোধক করতে হয়।


  • A good boy normally (not waste) time. – A good student normally does not waste time.
  • Some students (not play) regularly to keep themselves fit. – Some students do not play regularly to keep themselves fit.

Note: অনেক সময় দেখা যায় bracket-এর মধ্যে একটি verb দেয়া আছে এবং বাক্যের শেষে প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন দেয়া আছে। সে ক্ষেত্রে বাক্যটিকে interrogative sentence-এ পরিবর্তন করতে হবে।


  • He (go) to school every day? – Does he go to school every day?
  • They often (play) cricket when they get the time? – Do they often play cricket when they get the time?

Rule four:

কোন sentence-এ যদি now, at this moment, day by day, gradually প্রভৃতি word / words-এর কোন একটি word / words ব্যবহৃত হয়, তবে bracket-এর মধ্যকার verb-টি present continuous tense-এ হবে।


  • At this moment, Rahim (study). – At this moment, Rahim is studying.
  • Now the students (play) in the field. – Now the students are playing in the field.
  • What you (read) now? – What are you reading now?
  • Fatima (not study) at this moment. – Fatima is not studying at this moment.
  • Gradually the price of rice (increase). – Gradually the price of rice is increasing.

Rule five:

কোন sentence-এ যদি just, recently, already, ever, never, lately, yet, just now, perhaps প্রভৃতি word / words-এর কোন একটি word / words ব্যবহৃত হয়, তবে bracket-এর মধ্যকার verb-টি present perfect tense-এ হবে।

Present perfect tense লিখতে সাহায্যকারী verb হিসাবে has বা have-এর প্রয়োজন হয়। Perhaps, just now এবং yet ব্যতীত উপরে উল্লেখিত অন্য সকল শব্দ সাহায্যকারী ও মূল verb-এর মধ্যে বসে। Perhaps, just now এবং yet প্রদত্ত বাক্যের যে স্থানে থাকে, তাকে সেই স্থানেই রাখতে হয়।


  • I just (take) a cup of tea. – I have just taken a cup of tea.
  • He (go) out just now. – He has gone just now.
  • I never (regret) my past. – I have never regretted my past.
  • But I just (have) a snack. – But I have just had a snack.

এ ছাড়া বাক্যে have, has, had এবং be শব্দের পরেই যদি bracket-এ verb দেয়া থাকে, তবে তবে bracket-এর মধ্যকার verb-টিকে পরিবর্তন করে verb-টির তিন নম্বর রুপ বা past participle-এ লিখতে হবে।


  • We have (sink) a tube well. – We have sunk a tube well.
  • The principal desired the notice to be (hang) on the board. – The principal desired the notice to be hung on the board.
  • I have ( have) my revenge at last. – I have had my revenge at last.

Rule six:

কোন sentence-এ যদি yesterday, ago, then, in those days, at that time, last+সময় প্রভৃতি word / words-এর কোন একটি word / words ব্যবহৃত হয়, তবে bracket-এর মধ্যকার verb-টি verb-এর দুই নম্বর বা past indefinite tense হবে।


  • I (come) home yesterday. – I came home yesterday.
  • I (not come) home yesterday. – I did not come home yesterday.
  • I (come) home yesterday? – Did I come home yesterday?
  • Then I (understand) your problem. – Then I understood your problem.
  • I (think) you (be) right yesterday. – I thought you were right yesterday.
  • In those days there (be) no mobile phone. – In those days there was no mobile phone.

Rule seven:

কোন কাজ পূর্বে  আরম্ভ হয়ে এখন পর্যন্ত চলমান অবস্থায় আছে বুঝালে bracket-এর মধ্যকার verb-টি verb-এর present perfect continuous tense-এ হবে। এক্ষেত্রে বাক্যে for / since + সময় / দিন / মাস প্রভৃতির উল্লেখ থাকবে। এখান for-এর অর্থ ‘ধরিয়া’ এবং since-এর অর্থ ‘থেকে বা হতে’।

এছাড়াও দিনের নাম / মাসের নাম + last, যেমন, Sunday last, February last প্রভৃতি থাকলেও bracket-এর মধ্যকার verb-টি verb-এর present perfect continuous tense-এ হবে।


  • The children (play) for two hours. – The children have been playing for two hours.
  • It (rain) since Friday. – It has been raining since Friday.
  • Rahim (suffer) from a fever since Thursday last. – Rahim has been suffering from a fever since Thursday last.

Rule eight:

Asked, believed, forgot, knew, remembered, reported, said, thought, told প্রভৃতি past verb-এর কোন একটি verb যদি বাক্যের প্রথম verb হিসাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়, তবে that / if যুক্ত clause-এর verb-এর রুপ past indefinite বা past perfect tense হবে।


  • I thought that he (come) by that time. – I thought that he came by that time. Or: I thought he had come by that time.
  • Our teacher said that Rahim (fail) in the examination. – Our teacher said that Rahim failed the examination. Or: Our teacher said that Rahim had failed the examination.
  • When he told me that everything (be) ready, we (go) into the dining room. – When he told me that everything was ready, we went into the dining room.
  • They asked him if he (help) us. – They asked me he helped us.

Note: Narration-এর নিয়ম অনুযায়ী বাক্যের প্রথম verb past-এ থাকলে দ্বিতীয় verb-টি past perfect tense হয়। তবে বাক্যের প্রথম verb past-এ থাকলে দ্বিতীয় verb-কেও past indefinite tense-এ লিখা যায়, তাতে কোন ভূল নাই।

-Rule nine:

(a) And শব্দ দ্বারা যুক্ত পৃথক দুটি noun শব্দ পৃথক ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুকে বুঝালে sentence-এর verb-এর রুপ হবে plural.


  • William and I (be) going to school. William and I are going to school.

(b) কিন্তু and দ্বারা যুক্ত পৃথক ‍দুইটি subject-কে একই ব্যক্তি বা একই ধরনের বস্তুকে বুঝানোর জন্য বা একই ধারনা প্রকাশের জন্য ব্যবহৃত হলে সেই subject-এর জন্য singular verb ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে।


  • Bread and butter (be) essential for our health. Bread and butter is essential for our health.
  • Time and tide (wait) for none / nobody. Time and tide waits for none / nobody.

Remember: (a) আমাদের উপমহাদেশীয় স্কুল কলেজ গুলোতে শিক্ষকেরা ‘bread and butter’ অথবা ’time and tide’-এর ন্যায় দুইটি subject-কে এক বা অভিন্ন বলে মনে করে, তাই তাঁরা subject ঐ গুলির জন্য singular verb ব্যবহার করতে শিখায়। কিন্তু নেটিভ ইংরেজরা bread এবং butter-কে অথবা time এবং tide-কে দুইটি পৃথক বস্তু বুঝায়। তাই তারা বলে: Bread and butter are essential for our health. Time and tide wait for none/nobody/no man.

(b) একইভাবে যদি একের অধিক gerund শব্দ অথবা একের অধিক infinitive পৃথক বস্তু বা কাজকে বুঝায়, তবে sentence-এর bracket-এর মধ্যকার verb-এর রুপ হবে plural.


  • Learning English and speaking English (be) different things. Learning English and speaking English are different things.
  • To learn English and to speak English (be) different things. To learn English and to speak English are different things.
  • Reading, writing, and speaking (be) my favorite activities. Reading, writing and speaking are my favorite activities.

Rule ten:

‘That’ conjunction দ্বারা দুটি clause যুক্ত হলে that-এর আগের clause-টি past indefinite হলে এবং that-এর পরের clause-এ যদি next + সময়, যেমন, next day, next week, next month, next year প্রভৃতির কোন একটি থাকে, তবে bracket-এর মধ্যকার verb-টি verb-এর রুপ হবে would + verb-এক নম্বর।


  • He said that he (buy) a house next year. – He said that he would buy a house next year.

Rule eleven:

‘Since’ conjunction দ্বারা দুটি clause যুক্ত হলে since-এর আগের clause-টি present indefinite বা present perfect হলে এবং since-এর পরের clause-এর bracket-এর মধ্যকার verb-টি verb-এর past indefinite tense.

কিন্তু যদি since-এর আগের clause-টিই past indefinite হয় তখন since-এর পরের clause-এর bracket-এর মধ্যকার verb-টি verb-এর past perfect tense.


  • Many years have passed since he (retire) from his job. – Many years have passed since he retired from his job.
  • It is many years since I (see) you. – It is many years since I saw you.
  • A good many years have passed since his father (die). – A good many years have passed since his father died.
  • It was long since I (see) Rahima last. – It was long since I had seen Rahima last.
  • It was many years since we first (meet). – It was many years since we had first met.
  • Many years (pass) since his father died. – Many years have passed since his father died.

Rule twelve:

বাক্যের ‘since clause’-টি যদি কোন কারন বর্ণনা করে, এবং অপর clause-টি যদি উক্ত কারনের ফল (result) বর্ণনা করে, তবে ‘since clause’-এর verb-টি যে tense-এ থাকবে result clause-টিও সেই একই tense-এ হবে।

একইভাবে, বাক্যের ‘as clause’ অথবা ’because clause‘-টি যদি কোন কারন বর্ণনা করে, এবং অপর clause-টি যদি উক্ত কারনের ফল (result) বর্ণনা করে, তবে ‘as clause/because clause’-এর verb-টি যে tense-এ থাকবে result clause-টির verb-টিও সাধারনত: সেই একই tense-এ হয়।


  • Rahim (to pass) the examination since he did not study. – Rahim did not pass the examination since he did not study.
  • As Rahim did not study, he (not pass) the examination. – As Rahim did not study, he did not pass the examination.
  • Since Rahim was tired, he (take) a break to take some rest. – Since Rahim was tired, he took a break to take some rest.
  • Rahim could not come to the class because he (be) ill. – Rahim could not come to the class because he was ill.

– Rule: thirteen:

Main clause-টি future indefinite tense-এ থাকলে subordinate clause-এর when, until, as soon as, before এবং after-যুক্ত clause-টি present indefinite tense-এ হবে।

অন্য কথায় subordinate clause-এর when, until, as soon as, before এবং after-যুক্ত clause-টি present indefinite tense-এ থাকলে main clause-টি future indefinite tense-এ হবে।


  • Rahim will stay there until you (come). – Rahim will stay there until you come.
  • Rahim (stay) there until you come. – Rahim will stay until you come.
  • I (come) and see you when I have time. – I will come and see you when I have time.
  • They (not go) there until the sun rises. – They will not go there until the sun rises.
  • I (give) you a phone call as soon as I reach Dhaka. – I will give you a phone call as soon as I reach Dhaka.
  • I (give) you a phone call before I leave Dhaka. – I will give you a phone call before I leave Dhaka.
  • We shall go as soon as you (be) ready. – We shall go as soon as you are ready.

অনেক সময় main clause-এ must+verb, should+ verb, don’t+verb, can’t+verb, won’t/will not+ verb, let’s+verb প্রভৃতি থাকতে পারে। এক্ষেত্রেও subordinate clause-এর when, until, as soon as, before এবং after-যুক্ত clause-টি present indefinite tense-এ হবে।


  • Car drivers must wait until the signal light (change) to green. – Car drivers must wait until the signal light changes to green.
  • Don’t speak loudly when you (be) in the hospital. – Don’t speak loudly when you are in the hospital.
  • Let’s go to the coffee shop when our class (be) over. – Let’s go to the coffee shop when our class is over.
  • You (not move) from here until he gets back. – You should not move from here until he gets back.
  • He won’t express his personal opinion until he (know) the facts. – He won’t express his personal opinion until he knows the facts.

– Rule fourteen:

No sooner had…………………than………… ……অথবা scarcely had ……… when…………..কিম্বা hardly had………………..when……………….. দ্বারা গঠিত বাক্যগুলিতে দুটি বাকাংশ থাকে। এক্ষেত্রে প্রথম বাকাংশটির verb সাধারনত: past perfect tense-এ থাকে। এই বাকাংশের subject-কে সাহায্যকারী ও মূল verb-এর মধ্যে রাখতে হয়।

পরের বাকাংশটি যা than কিম্বা when দ্বারা আরম্ভ হয়, তা past indefinite tense-এ হয়।


  • No sooner had I received his phone call than I (go) to help him. – No sooner had I received his phone call than I went to help him.
  • No sooner I (receive) his phone call than I went to help him. – No sooner had I received his phone call than I went to help him.
  • Scarcely had I reached the station when the train (leave) the station. – Scarcely had I reached the station when the train left the station.
  • Hardly had I reached home when he (call) me. – Hardly had I reached home when he called me.

Rule fifteen:

  • Admit, advise, appreciate, begin, complete, consider, delay, deny, discuss, enjoy, finish, feel, feel like, like, mind, miss, practise, quit, recall, recommend, risk, stop, suggest, tolerate, understand, worth প্রভৃতি verb-এর পরপরই যদি bracket-এ verb দেয়া থাকে, তবে তার রুপ হবে verb-এর -ing.


  • Would you mind (have) a cup of coffee? – Would you mind having a cup of coffee?
  • The doctor suggested/advised (drink) milk twice a day. – The doctor suggested drinking milk twice a day.
  • We enjoyed (talk) with your friend. – We enjoyed talking with your friend.
  • Rahim completed (write) an essay on his favorite poet. – Rahim completed writing an essay on his favorite poet.
  • I miss (watch) the news when I am away from home. – I miss watching the news when I am away from home.
  • He began (learn) English when he was five. – He began learning English when he was five.
  • We wouldn’t mind (wait). – We wouldn’t mind waiting.

এছাড়াও মনে রাখতে হবে যে, যে কোন verb-এর পরপরই যদি bracket-এ কোন verb word দেয়া থাকে, তবে তার রুপ হবে verb-এর -ing.


  • The boys came (run) to meet us. The boys came running to meet us.
  • He lay (smile) at me. He lay smiling at me.
  • Do you like go (sing)? Do you like go singing?

Rule sixteen:

Approve of, be better of, can’t help, count on, get through, insist on, keep on, look forward to, object to, think about, think of প্রভৃতির পরপরই অথবা যে কোন preposition-এর পরপরই যদি bracket-এ verb দেয়া থাকে, তবে তার রুপ হবে verb-এর -ing.


  • I am looking forward to (meet) you. – I am looking forward to meeting you.
  • I couldn’t help (go) there to meet him. – I couldn’t help going there to meet him.
  • He insisted on (take) a trip to India. – He insisted on taking a trip to India.

Rule seventeen:

Subject + verb + object-এর পর যদি bracket-এ verb দেয়া থাকে, তবে তার রুপ হবে verb-এর -ing. সাধারনত: যে সকল verb এই গঠন প্রনালীতে ব্যবহৃত হয়, তারা হচ্ছে see, watch, view, notice, find, observe, keep, hear, smell


  • They saw the man (run) away. – They saw the man running away.
  • I heard him (sing) a beautiful song. – I heard him singing a beautiful song.
  • Can you smell something (burn)? – Can you smell something burning?
  • Did you notice anyone (stand) at the door? – Did you notice anyone standing at the door?
  • I watched them (come) towards us. – I watched them coming towards us.

এছাড়া sentence-এ verb-এর পর যদি me/my, him/his, you/your ও তার পরপরই যদি bracket-এ কোন verb word দেয়া থাকে, তবে তার রুপ হবে verb-এর -ing.


  • I saw him/his (go) there. – I saw him/his going there.
  • I can’t imagine me/my (be) so stupid. – I can’t imagine me/my being so stupid.
  • He couldn’t bear them/their (tell) those things that way. – He couldn’t bear them/their telling those things that way.

Rule eighteen:

কোন sentence-এর শুরুতে যদি bracket-এর মধ্যে verb দেয়া থাকে, এবং ঐ বাক্যে যদি আরেকটি verb থাকে তবে bracket-এর মধ্যে verb-টি হবে verb+ing.


  • (Read) a book, I shall go there. – Reading a book, I shall go there.
  • (Swim) is good for our health. – Swimming is good for our health.
  • (Get up) early in the morning is good for our health. – Getting up early in the morning is good for our health.

Rule nineteen:

শুধু ‘used to’-এর পর bracket-এর মধ্যে verb দেয়া থাকলে bracket-এর মধ্যে verb-টি হবে verb-এর এক নম্বর। আর যদি ‘be+used to’এর পর bracket-এর মধ্যে verb দেয়া থাকলে bracket-এর মধ্যে verb-টি হবে verb-এর -ing.


  • I used to (go) to school by bicycle. – I used to go to school by bicycle.
  • I am used to (go) to school by bicycle. – I am used to going to school by bicycle.
  • I used to (get up) early in the morning. – I used to get up early in the morning.
  • I was used to (get up) early in the morning. – I was used to getting up early in the morning.

Rule twenty:

কোন ব্যক্তি অন্য কোন ব্যক্তির মাধ্যমে তার কাজ করিয়ে নেওয়ার জন্য বা সম্পন্ন করার জন্য যে verb গুলি ব্যবহৃত হয়, তাদের causative verb বলে। এই causative verb মোট পাঁচটি। তারা হলো make, let, help, have এবং get.

Causative হিসাবে ‘make’ verb-এর ব্যবহার নিম্নরুপ:

Subject + make + someone / something + verb-এর এক নম্বর


  • His father made him (take) medicine. – His father made him take medicine.
  • He made the students (study) English regularly. – He made the students study English regularly.
  • The teacher always makes the students (stay) in their seats. – The teacher always makes the students stay in their seats.
  • The teacher had made the students (prepare) their lessons regularly. – The teacher had made the students prepare their lessons regularly.

Causative হিসাবে ‘let’ verb-এর ব্যবহার নিম্নরুপ:

Subject + let + someone / something + verb-এর এক নম্বর


  • His father let him (go) to school. – His father let him go to school.
  • Rafik let his son (swim) with his friends. – Rafik let his son swim with his friends.
  • They are going to let him (write) the letter. – They are going to let him write the letter.

Causative হিসাবে ‘help’ verb-এর ব্যবহার নিম্নরুপ:

Subject + help + someone / something + verb-এর এক নম্বর অথবা to-verb


  • He is helping me (type) my article. – He is helping me type my article. Or: He is helping me to type my article.
  • Rahim helped Rafik (learn) English. – Rahim helped Rafik learn English. Or: Rahim helped Rafik to learn English.

Causative হিসাবে ‘have’ verb-এর ব্যবহার নিম্নরুপ:

Have-এর পর ব্যক্তিবাচক থাকলে: Subject + have + someone + verb-এর এক নম্বর

Have- এর পর বস্তুবাচক থাকলে: Subject + have + something + verb-এর তিন নম্বর


  • My English teacher had us (learn) new English words regularly. – My English teacher had us learn new English words regularly.
  • Mr. Rahim had Rafik (wash) his car. – Mr. Rahim had Rafiq wash the car.
  • Mr. Rahim had the car (wash). – Mr. Rahim had the car washed.
  • Mr. Rahim wants to have his car (wash). – Mr. Rahim wants to have his car washed.
  • My teacher had me (attend) the competition. – My teacher had me attend the competition.
  • Rahim has his shirts (clean). – Rahim has his shirts cleaned.

Causative হিসাবে ‘get’ verb-এর ব্যবহার নিম্নরুপ:

Get-এর পর ব্যক্তিবাচক থাকলে: Subject + get + someone + to-verb

Get- এর পর বস্তুবাচক থাকলে: Subject + get + something + verb-এর তিন নম্বর


  • Rahim got his friend (wash) the car. – Rahim got his friend to wash the car.
  • Rahim got the car (wash). – Rahim got the washed.
  • I want to get him (paint) a picture for me. – I want to get him to paint a picture for me.
  • I want to get the picture (paint). – I want to get the picture painted.

Rule twenty one:

If-clause-এর verb present indefinite tense-এ থাকলে bracket-মধ্যকার verb-এর রুপ হবে future indefinite tense.


  • If he needs my help, my father (help) you. – If he needs my help, my father will help you.
  • If you go to the town, you (meet) my father. – If you go to the town, you will meet my father.
  • I (finish) the job if I can. – I will finish the job if I can.

Rule twenty two:

If-clause-এর verb past indefinite tense-এ থাকলে bracket-মধ্যকার verb-এর রুপ হবে would+verb-এর এক নম্বর।


  • If Rahim worked hard, he (pass) the examination. – If Rahim worked hard, he would pass the examination.
  • If he came, I (go). – If he came, I would go.
  • Rahim (help) them if they came. – Rahim would help them if they came.
  • I would help him if he (want). – I would help him if he wanted.

কিন্তু if-clause-এ bracket-মধ্যে ‘be’ দেয়া থাকলে তা পরিবর্তন করে ‘were’ করতে হয়।


  • If I (be) you, I would accept the job. – If I were you, I would accept the job.
  • I would buy a fine car if I (be) rich. – I would buy a fine car if I were rich.

Rule twenty three:

If-clause-এর verb past perfect tense-এ থাকলে bracket-মধ্যকার verb-এর রুপ হবে would have+verb-এর তিন নম্বর।


  • If he had tried, he (do) better. – If he had tried, he would have done better.
  • If we had found his address, we (write) him. – If we had found his address, we would have written him.
  • I would have bought a car if I (have) the money. – I would have bought a car if I had had the money.
  • I would have done better if I (take) my father’s advice. – I would have done better if I had taken my father’s advice.

Rule twenty four:

As if অথবা as though যদি বাক্যের conjunction হিসাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়, তবে as if অথবা as though-এর আগের clause-এর verb-টি present indefinite হলে as if অথবা as though-এর পরের clause-এর verb-টি past indefinite হবে।


  • He speaks as if / as though he (know) everything. – He speaks as if / as though he knew everything.
  • He acts as if / as though he (be) rich. – He acts as if / as though he were rich.

কিন্তু as if অথবা as though-এর আগের clause-এর verb-টি past indefinite হলে as if অথবা as though-এর পরের clause-এর verb-টি past perfect হবে।


  • He looked as if / as though he (run) ten miles. – He looked as if / as though he had run ten miles.
  • Rahim looked as if / as though he (see) a ghost. – Rahim looked as if / as though he had seen a ghost.

Rule twenty five:

Before ও after conjunction দ্বারা অতীতকালে ঘটে যাওয়া দুটি কাজ দুটি clause-এর মাধ্যমে বর্ননা করতে চাইলে যে কাজ আগে ঘটে সে কাজকে past perfect tense-এ লিখতে হয়। আর যে কাজটি পরে ঘটে, তাকে past indefinite tense-এ লিখতে হয়। এক্ষেত্রে, before-এর পূর্বে past perfect tense ও after-এর পরে past perfect tense হয়। অপর clause-টি past indefinite tense-এ হবে।

Right Form of Verbs
Right Form of Verbs


  • The patient had died before the doctor (come). – The patient had died before the doctor came.
  • The patient died after the doctor (come). – The patient died after the doctor had come.

Rule twenty six:

অর্থের পরিমান (amount of money), সময় (time), দুরত্ব (distance) প্রভৃতি সাধারনত: সামগ্রিকভাবে একটি পরিমান ‍বুঝায়। তাই এগুলো দেখতে plural হলেও bracket-মধ্যকার verb-এর রুপ হবে singular.


  • Five hundred dollars (be) a lot of money. – Five hundred dollars is a lot of money.
  • Ten kilometers (be) a long distance. – Ten kilometers is a long distance.
  • Two hours (be) a long time to wait for him. – Two hours is a long time to wait for him.

Rule twenty seven:

People, public, police, cattle, peasantry (কৃষক সম্প্রদায়), poultry, gentry, mankind, dozen প্রভৃতি শব্দগুলো সকল সময় plural হিসাবে বিবেচিত হয়। তাই, এ সকল শব্দ বাক্যে কর্তা হিসাবে ব্যবহৃত হলে সেই বাক্যের verb-এর রুপ হবে plural.


  • People (be) suffering for want of food. – People are suffering for want of food.
  • Cattle (be) gazing in the field. – Cattle are grazing in the field.
  • Mankind (be) never always happy. – Mankind are never always happy.

Rule twenty eight:

বাক্যে কর্তা হিসাবে কোন ভাষার নাম, যা দ্বারা মানুষ কথা বলে, অথবা চেয়ার, দরজা, সমুদ্র বা কোন বস্তু, যা নিজে সরাসরি কাজ করে না, তখন bracket-মধ্যকার verb-এর রুপ হবে verb-এর past participle.

আর এই past participle verb-এর পূর্বে am, is, are, was কিম্বা were না থাকলে, কর্তার সংগে মিল করে তা বসাতে হয়। অর্থাৎ বাক্যটিকে passive voice-এ লিখতে হবে।


  • English is (speak) in India. – English is spoken in India.
  • Bangla (speak) in Bangladesh. – Bangla is spoken in Bangladesh.
  • The legs of the table (break). – The legs of the table are broken.
  • Even the sea (freeze). – Even the sea was frozen.

– Rule twenty nine:

প্রধানত: এ চারটি verb যথা, lay এবং lie; raise এবং rise ইংরেজি শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য খুব সমস্যার সৃষ্টি করে। সমস্যার সমাধান হল, মনে রাখা কোন verb-টি transitive (transitive verb-এর object থাকে) এবং কোন verb-টি intransitive (intransitive verb-এর object থাকে না)।

Lay এবং lie:

Lay হচ্ছে transitive verb. এই verb-টির প্রধান সাধারণ অর্থ ’কোন কিছুর উপর কিছু রাখা’ (to put or place something on a surface).

presentpastPast participlePresent participle
Right Form of Verbs


  • Yesterday he (lay) that grammar book on the table. – Yesterday he laid that grammar book on the table.
  • Every day he (lay) the grammar book on the table. – Every day he lays the grammar book on the table.
  • The children (lay) their toys on the floor when they had finished playing with them. – The children laid their toys on the floor when they had finished playing with them.

Lie হচ্ছে intransitive verb. এই verb-টির সাধারণ অর্থ ’শয়ন করা; কোন জায়গায় কোন কিছু থাকা’।

presentpastPast participlePresent participle
Right Form of Verbs


  • He (lie) on the bed to take a rest. – He lies on the bed to take a rest.
  • Rajshahi University (lie) in the eastern section of the city. – Rajshahi University lies in the eastern section of the city.
  • He (lie) on the sofa to rest yesterday after studying. – He lay on the sofa to rest yesterday after studying.

আরও একটি ‘lie’ verb শব্দ আছে, যার অর্থ ‘মিথ্যা বলা’। এই ‘lie’ শব্দটি আবার noun হিসাবেও ব্যবহৃত হয়।

presentpastPast participlePresent participle
Right Form of Verbs


  • Has he (lie) to me? – Has he lied to me?
  • Don’t trust them. They are (lie). – Don’t trust them. They are lying.

Raise এবং rise:

Raise হচ্ছে transitive verb. এই verb-টির প্রধান সাধারণ অর্থ দুইটি, এক, ’কোন কিছু নিচু থেকে উপরে উঠানো বা উত্তোলন করা’ (to lift or elevate something to a higher position or level). দুই, কোন কিছু বৃদ্ধি করা (to increase something).

presentpastPast participlePresent participle
Right Form of Verbs


  • A student (raise) his hand to attract the attention of his teacher. – A student raises / raised his hand to attract the attention of his teacher.
  • After studying very hard, Rafiq (raise) his marks in English. – After studying very hard Rafiq raised his marks in English.
  • Our company (raise) our salary from next month. – Our company will raise our salary from next month.
  • I carefully (raise) the patient to a sitting position. – I carefully raised the patient to a sitting position.

Rise হচ্ছে intransitive verb. এই verb-টির প্রধান সাধারণ অর্থ দুইটি, এক, ’উঠা’ (to get up from a lower position to a higher position) দুই, কোন কিছুর আকার, পরিমান বা লেভেল বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া (to increase in size, volume, or level.).

presentpastPast participlePresent participle
Right Form of Verbs


  • The sun (rise) in the east. – The sun rises in the east.
  • The student (rise) from his seat to answer my question. – The student rose from his seat to answer my question.
  • The water level has (rise) for heavy rainfall. – The water level has risen for heavy rainfall.

Rezaul Karim

Hi, my name is Rezaul Karim. I am an English teacher and founder of I work with non-native English learners to help them understand English grammar from basic to intermediate. I also help them improve their conversation skills, and communication ability and reduce their accent. I hope you may like my posts on this website, and if you really really feel that this page/website is useful for English learners, please happily share it for others to know.

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Emamul

    Your post is excellent, sir. I hope students will get help from this website if they ever come to know about it. Thank you!

  2. Salahuddin

    Thanks a lot.

    1. Mahin

      Thank you so much

  3. Md. Rukunuzzaman

    Very important post sir. Thanks a lot

  4. Rafiqul Islam

    Very helpful post. Many students will be benefited by this post. Thanks sir.

  5. fahim

    Very helpful post. Many students will be benefited by this post. Thanks sir.

    1. Shuvo

      Very good sir.

  6. Shammi Sultana

    Hopefully this information of verb rules is quite helpful for me and also for other students. Thank you very much, Sir.

  7. Shaeeduzzaman

    Thanks sir. Your presentation is excellent.
    I am very grateful to you. Do I get your contact no? My daughter is reading in class Five.
    I want to talk to you regarding her distance learning if you have some free time.



  8. Md Tonmoy


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